

在講到菩提心生起的量時,宗喀巴大師引了《攝大乘論》:「清淨增上力,堅固心升進,...。」SnawLion的英文版中翻譯成:"When the good and the wish are powerful firmly stable, and always increasing,..."(第2冊第42頁第3行),而「清淨增上力」這句的原文是,其中是「善和願」的意思,這個意思在中文譯本看不出來了。
Lhundub Sopa格西的注釋中對「善和願」的說明是"In some contexts the term good, which appears in the first line of the stanza, can be understood to refer to positive karma. But here it is reffering to the great compassion and love for all sentient beings that precedes bodhicitta. The wish is boddhicitta itself..."
