

這是攝波羅密多論裡的文字,「於此我無我所慢」SnowLion的英文版廣論翻譯成:I have no pride that they are mine.(第2冊第119頁第15行),而Lhundub Sopa格西在他的注釋中說明,When we have possessions we should mentally give it away. We should no longer think, "These are mine." We should not take pride in giving a nice gift because, in actually, that thing already belongs to the other person.「當我們有了財物應該內心中布施出去,不該再認為這些是我的」,不該在給人家好東西的時候覺得驕傲,因為實際上那個東西已經屬於別人了。(第3冊第269頁第5行)這樣看來,這裡的「慢」是指認為布施出去的東西是自己所有的那種想法。
Someone who has this amazing thought repeatedly
And emulates the qualities of the perfect Buddha(第2冊第119頁第15行)
Lhundub Sopa格西的注釋則翻譯成:
Thinking this amazing thought again and again
Is emulating the fully enlightened Buddhas.(第3冊第262頁第21行)
